Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Voice of the Martyrs - News

INDIA: Pastors Beaten and Paraded Through the Streets
February 17, 2006

The Voice of the Martyrs
While handing out tracts on January 30 in the slums of Indore, India, Assistant Pastor Jojin of Gospel Church of God was attacked by members of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) militant Hindu organization before chasing him off. In the weeks prior, Jojin's church had been the target of Hindu aggression.

Less than a week later, on February 5, a mob of around 40 Hindu extremists arrived at the compound of the Pentecostal church. The attackers then stormed into the church by breaking down its door while Pastor Jojin and trainee, Pastor Jijo, were preparing for the morning's prayer service. They proceeded to beat the two pastors, destroying Bibles and taking away portions of Scripture, as well as worship books.

Afterwards, the pastors were abducted and paraded up and down the streets of Indore as the frenzied crowd beat and humiliated them. Police took the wounded pastors into custody once they showed up on the scene, only to escort them to the hospital shortly thereafter.

Since the incident, police have arrested three of the assailants, who accused Jojin and Jijo of spreading lies to the public and leading Hindus to convert to Christianity.

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