Nigeria:* The Nigerian government reports that Kano state in northern Nigeria was seeking foreign support to train 100 jihadists among vigilante enforcers of Islamic law (sharia) called Hisbah. The state sought to train the militants in "intelligence" and the "practice of jihad" with the help of foreign Islamic governments. According to Compass Direct Christians in Kano have been the target of severe assault, harassment, intimidation, and flagrant violation of religious rights by the Hisbah; the Hisbah has been labelled a "terror machine" in the hands of fanatical Islamic governments whose aim is to eliminate Christianity in northern Nigeria. Christian women are especially terrorized, forced to comply with the sharia's strict regulations for women, and raped and beaten for little to no reason at all; Christian families are divided as a result of the Islamic laws. As one Nigerian Christian avows, "Unless the Nigerian government acts to protect us, we have nothing to do we are hopeless here." Read More>>
Please join us in prayer for:
-The protection and safety of all Christians living in Kano state in Nigeria, especially Christian women, who are suffering the most.
- The Nigerian government to intervene and prevent the further training and advancement of the Hisbah "terror machine".
- The love of God to flow through His people in the midst of this persecution.
- The deliverance of the jihadists and Muslim officials, that they might know the love of Christ.
India:* Organizers of a "reconversion" rally held last weekend in Gujarat indicated during the closing ceremony that Christianity is a major threat to Indian nationalism. These Nationalist Shabri Kumbh coordinators led the 60,000-strong crowd to repeat, “I will save my religion,” and the throng often shouted, “Jai Shri Ram (Praise be to the god Rama).” According to Compass Direct the assembly resolved to save the Hindu religion and Bharat Mata (Mother India goddess) by reconverting Christians. Sadhvi Ritambhara, a popular Hindu preacher whose programs are aired on several TV channels, said, “They [Christians] call us harvest. They intend to pluck us out. And foreigners want to do this to us.” Ritambhara said it was imperative for Hindus to take up arms to save their religion, requesting them to dedicate mind, body, and money for this cause; he promises that this is only the beginning. Read More>>
Please join is in prayer for:
- The safety and empowerment of all Christians living in India, national and foreign-born alike.
- The strength and faith of the Indian Church amidst opposition, oppression and forced re-conversion.
- The failure of the nationalist organization’s attempts to curb the growth and spread of Christianity.
- The love of God to continue to pour into and through that nation.
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