Egyptian Law Granting Twins to Muslim to be Reviewed
In a turn of events the Egyptian Prosecutor General last week granted the mother of 14-year-old twins the right to appeal a custody decision awarding her sons to their Muslim father. The boy's father, who is a Muslim convert, was granted custody of the boys last September, contrary to Article 20 of Egypt’s Personal Status Law, which states children should remain with their mother until age 15.
Family Court decisions are not usually given recourse to the Court of Cassation, one of Egypt’s highest courts. “The Court of Cassation will pronounce a decision on the legal rule that Christian children, when one of their parents converts to Islam, should be automatically moved to the Muslim parent’s custody,” told the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) Director Hossam Bahgat to Compass News. “So it is very important in terms of changing the legal rule.”
Praise God for these turn of events and pray for the intersession of the Holy Spirit in their circumstances. Read the full story>>
Kidnapped Nuns from Kenya are Released
Two nuns who have been held captive in Somalia since last November have been freed. Praise God!
In an early morning ambush, gunmen snatched Sister Olivero and Sister Caterina from the small north east Kenyan border town of El Wak taking them across the border into Somalia. Father Bongiovanni Franco, who worked with the sisters, told Compass that the sisters are fatigued. “Their movement from one place to another, and living in house confinement most of their stay in Mogadishu, seems to have affected their health it was like a prison cell.”
Both of the nuns have worked in Kenya since the 1970s providing much needed medical and nutritional care to malnourished children, expectant mothers and the elderly. We thank God for His protection and their safe release. Read the full story>>
- Pray for the Egyptian mother and her children. Pray for their witness before the Muslim community in which they serve Christ. May His light shine forth through them and touch the hearts of many. To God be the glory!
- Pray for Sister Olivero and Sister Caterina as they recover from their incarceration. Pray for their physical and emotional healing as well as a special time of refreshing. Praise God for orchestrating their release!Pray for many Christian worldwide who suffer because of their faith in Jesus. Pray for His protection, provision and anointing as they build the church. Pray with them “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.” 1 Peter 3:15-17
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