"India: * Hindu leaders attending a centenary celebration of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) last weekend converted at least 344 tribal Christians to Hinduism. Although police were present, they took no action to enforce Orissa state anti-conversion laws that require official permission for such events. The so-called 'reconversions' took place as key Hindu dignitaries encouraged the Christians to blow conch shells and recite Hindu scriptures in a symbolic 'return' to Hinduism.
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Please Pray:
-That these 're-converted' individuals will return to Christ, and that all Indian Christians will be strengthened in Christ to remain in His love and under His name despite the pressure and persecution they face.
-That Satan's schemes to deceive and destroy will be rendered powerless.
Sri Lanka: * Sri Lanka's Parliament has appointed a 19-member committee to review a bill that would outlaw 'forcible' conversion, before it is presented for a final vote. According to Compass Direct the bill calls for prison sentences of up to five years and/or a stiff fine for anyone found guilty of converting others 'by force or by allurement or by any fraudulent means'. Against a backdrop of increased military activity between the government and northern separatists, attacks on churches have continued.
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Please Pray:
-That this bill will not serve the Buddhist led government as a tool to threaten and intimidate the Sri Lankan people from sharing their Christian faith or for Buddhists to convert to Christianity.
-For the endurance and testimony of Christians in Sri Lanka despite whatever attempts their government would make to limit religious freedom.
Uzbekistan: * Since May 2005, the political, economic, and religious climate of Uzbekistan has deteriorated, and pressures on the church have worsened. According to Compass Direct the government has attributed the rapid spread of Christianity and the growth of the Uzbek church to the influence of the West through financial support. In an effort to put an end to the growth of Christianity in Uzbekistan, police officers have interrogated and documented many Christian leaders and pastors, and attempted to close even registered churches. Many expatriate Christian workers did not get their residence permits renewed and had to leave the country.
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Please Pray:
-For the continual spread of the Gospel and growth of the Uzbek church.
-For the testimony of Uzbek Christians as they endure opposition and persecution."
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