Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More on Hindu anti-Christian convention in Gujarat, Dangs District


(A full RLP will be devoted to this issue in early February, but it is so serious that urgent prayer is needed now, before the event - EK.) 'The Lord... frustrates the ways of the wicked'. Psalm 146:9

Hindu nationalists are preparing to stage a massive Hindu festival in Dangs district, southern Gujarat (northwest India). This Shabri Kumbh Mela festival from 11-13 February is aimed at Hinduising the tribal population of Dangs. The main outcomes of the Shabri Kumbh Mela will be: the creation of new mythology that Hinduises Dangs; the creation of a site in Dangs for Hindu pilgrimage and tourism; massive 're-conversions' (coerced conversions) to Hinduism and Hindutva (Hindu nationalism); the destruction and Hinduisation of tribal culture; stirring up intense hatred against Christians with the real prospect of violence against them; shattering tribal solidarity; and devastation of the delicate, 'protected' forest environment. Hindu militants are distributing vicious anti-Christian propaganda and (according to one report) fixing flags to Christian homes so they can be identified. A central slogan for the event is 'Hindu Jago, Christi Bhagao' (Hindus arise, throw out the Christians). One investigative team recently reported, 'We could see the fear written on the face of most of the Christians we met.'

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